Here is a continuation for the previouse blog ( Too much skin ! part 1)
these are a list of conditions that I joined togather because they have one thing in commen .. too much skin .. and below each condition a video related to the condition .
c) Diffuse hereditary palmoplantar keratodermas
is an autosomal dominant disorder in which hyperkeratosis is confined to the palms and soles, usually evident at birth or in the first few months of life.the they present in early childhood with redness of the palms and soles. The palms and soles gradually become thicker and develop a yellowish, waxy appearance. There is a clear cut-off between affected and unaffected skin and the edge of the thickening is often red. This is usually obvious by the age of 3 to 4
here is a shocking viedo on a man possibly having this condition .
D) plaque psoriasis
skin rapidly accumulates at these sites, which gives it a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knee , but can affect any area, including the scalp palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals .Psoriasis is not contagious and can be inherited. Environmental factors such as smoking, sun exposure, alcoholism , and HIV infection may affect how often the psoriasis occurs and how long the flare-ups last
here is a video showing the suffering of psoriasis patients
I wish for all the people world-wide to be healthy and happy
my references : wikipedia ,dermNet,webmd,emedicine
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